Vermont- Day January 15, 2016January 19, 2016Robyn Mueller Comment Met with Tony to discuss walls and headers for the kitchen and the kitchen layout. Trying to remove as much of the wall [...]
Vermont – Day 37 January 6, 2016January 7, 2016Robyn Mueller Comment Bath and kitchen demo complete. Waiting on city approval of dormer and discussed kitchen layout with Tony. Remove all of the walls and [...]
Irving – Day 48 November 24, 2015January 7, 2016Robyn Mueller Comment Windows are done except for an error made on the front, living room windows. Will be replaced with the correct windows next week. [...]
Irving – Day 41 November 17, 2015January 7, 2016Robyn Mueller Comment Delivered two skylights for the upstairs bathrooms. They are wider than the 2x4s so would require a bit of work to install – [...]